February 25, 2013 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda

Knee joint is the most complicated weight bearing joint of the body which provides movements to us like walking, sitting, standing, running and possesses structures like bones, ligaments, muscles, tendons nerves that supplies the sensation.We extensively use the knees and therefore they are affected by wear and tear.

Causes of knee pain

  • Arthritis – which include osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and gout.
  • Injury – a it is the most responsible joint of the body so there is increase risk of injury which, can damage to bone, ligament and cartilage that ultimately leads to severe knee pain.
  • Infection – any kind of infection to the knee joint may result in knee pain.
  • Obesity and advanced age – Both are very common cause of knee pain.
  • Overuse – overuse of knee joint can ultimately lead to intense knee pain.
  • Sprain- due to sudden unnatural movements , it causes pain as well as restriction of movement of the knee joint.
  • Dislocation of the knee cap – Also causes severe knee pain.
  • Other causes – Include Sarcoidosis, Sickle cell anemia, Lupus, Kawasaki disease, Crohn’s disease, Ulcerative colitis, bone tumors, bleeding disorders etc.

General symptoms associated with knee pain

  • Swelling
  • Tenderness
  • Stiffness
  • Disability to move knee properly

The slow, controlled physical movement of joints is helpful for Arthritis patients. It improves the blood circulation in joints, removing unwanted toxins and other waste products. But the problem in the patients is if patient tries to move his limbs & joints then pain increases so patient does not move the limbs and problem increases. So it is vicious cycle, because of pain no movements and because there is no movement, the situation becomes worse. So patient should keep doing the movements which are possible for him.

Home remedies

Since your knees take so much of the impact of exercise and everyday living, it’s important to keep them healthy. Take note of the following home remedies to do just that.

Stay trim. More pounds of body weight (usually from body fat) can really stress the knees. So work on getting and keeping your weight within a healthy range (ask your doctor what that range is for you) by adopting a low-fat, lower-calorie diet, and getting regular exercise.

Buy shoes after looking at your feet. Buy the right shoes if your feet is slightly out of shape. You can order a pair after consultation with your doctor.  Wear the lowest heel possible. The body can tolerate a heel of about one inch; higher heels throw the body forward and stress the knees. Use shoes as per activity.  walking shoes for walking, running shoes for running, and so on. Wearing running shoes for walking can cause pain in the shins and, in some cases, knee pain.

Replace shoes as they get worn out. Often, knee problems are simply the result of walking or running in shoes that are worn out. Replace your athletic shoes every six months.

Don’t rely on OTC braces.. An OTC knee brace may make you aware of the knee and remind you to avoid over training, but it doesn’t really correct or prevent problems — in fact, it can give you a false sense of security and might tempt you to be less cautious than you should be.

Avoid “knee-busting” activities. Kneeling is painful, especially on hard surfaces.If you lift weights, never fully flex the knee, don’t “lock” your knees when you’re in the standing position, and keep the amount of weight you ask your knees to lift to a minimum.

If you’re doing some activity that requires kneeling, use a foam kneeling cushion or knee pads and give your knees frequent rest periods.


February 25, 2013 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda

how to grow wheat grassDue to the overwhelming reports on the health benefits of Wheat grass, many are curious to know how to grow them.

It is very easy to grow wheatgrass at home. By harvest time you can also juice the wheatgrass. It grows all round the year. You can use very little place. Your balcony sill is the ideal choice.

Benefits of Wheatgrass:

  • It boosts the hemoglobin production. Rebuilds the bloodstream.
  • Helps in healing the wounds, cuts, burns. Apply poultice.
  • Improves digestion.
  • Cleans the liver. Good detoxifier
  • Purifies the blood in the entire body. Doubles red blood count
  • Anti aging property, aids beauty treatment
  • It is economical and hygienic to grow and juice the wheatgrass at home.

For planting wheat grass, select plastic trays or clay pots about 8 to 10” in diameter and height about 3 inches.

  • Wash and soak good quality wheat grains overnight in to grow wheat grass
  • Next day spread the grains in the pots containing soil approximately 2.5 inches high..
  • Cover the wheat grains with a thin layer of soil. Maintain space between the grains. Do not add chemicals and fertilizers.
  • Keep away from the attack of birds.
  • Darkness helps the grains to sprout quickly.  Cover the pot with a newspaper or cloth and leave it for 2 to 3 days.
  • Sprinkle with a little water to dampen the soil. You will start to observe the green leaves coming out.
  • Stop covering the pots now.  Water the plants lightly.
  • Provide sunlight. Leave the plants in sunlight.
  • Water the plants daily.
  • In seven to eight days time the wheat grass has grown sufficient enough i.e 8” tall.
  • Cut the grass blades with a scissor. Leave ½ inch plant above the soil surface. The grass will grow back in a week’s time.

Only two harvests is allowed with a sowing. After the second harvest crush all the roots and it is time for the next sowing. The harvested wheat grass is ready to be juiced.

You can keep wheat grass safely in refrigerator for five to six days keeping the same in foils. It will still retain its nutritional value. It is ideal to manually grind the leaves in a stone grinder with a pestle. Chop the grass blades and add little water gradually as you keep grinding and filter the paste thru a clean cloth. Your wheat grass juice is ready to consume.

how to grow wheat grassThe wheat grass juice should be consumed within 30 minutes of preparation. You can also consume juice by chewing the grass . A mouthful of grass is sufficient. Chew till the juice is extracted and the cud becomes white. Do not swallow the cud as it is difficult to digest. A healthy person can take ¼ cup daily, recommended early in the morning.

It is not advised to grind the wheat grass in a mixer or blender as the rapid blade movement oxidizes the chlorophyll and will make the wheatgrass useless . You can maintain the harvest time and the sowing such that you can get the grass all round.

It combines well with apple, carrot , beetroot, spinach leaves, lemon .

Organic wheatgrass powders and juices are an extremely effective way of boosting the body’s immune system to fight against and recover from illnesses and ailments. Wheatgrass is a great source of beta carotene, contains most of the B vitamins and vitamins C, E, H and K, and also contains over 90 different minerals and 19 amino acids. It also contains several active enzymes which play a major role in breaking down fats, undertaking biological functions and assist hugely in weight loss.



February 25, 2013 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda

health benefits of wheat grassWheatgrass is one of the best of all grasses. Wheat grass has the ability to absorb more than 100 elements from the soil and is a rich source of vitamins A , Vitamin C and the B-complex, as addition to calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, sulfur, cobalt and zinc. Wheat grass has 90 different mineral and 19 amino acids. Very few know that wheatgrass is abundant in vitamin B-17 (more commonly known as laetrile), a substance that’s said to selectively destroy cancer cells in the body.

Over time most of us develop an acidic body chemistry, we need alkalizing foods to restore pH balance.  Wheatgrass juice is a powerful alkalizer.  It is also a preferred food because it seems to possess the ability to single-handedly change people’s body chemistry when used in sufficient amounts.  As a result, it is exactly the kind of food needed to help jump start the processes of the body.  It is also the perfect food to consume when life’s challenges (like travelling for work) get in the way of the lifestyle choices you prefer.  For many, consuming wheatgrass juice is like have a license to exist in the world around us. Available in powder form also.

Some of the superior qualities of wheatgrass and the juice that can be extracted from its blades include the following:

  • Increases red blood-cell count and lowers blood pressure. It cleanses the blood, organs and gastrointestinal tract of debris. Wheatgrass also stimulates metabolism and the body’s enzyme systems by enriching the blood. It also aids in reducing blood pressure by dilating the blood pathways throughout the body.
  • Fights tumors and neutralizes toxins. The many active compounds found in grass juice cleanse the blood and neutralize and digest toxins in our cells.
  • Stimulates the thyroid gland, correcting obesity and indigestion.
  • Restores alkalinity to the blood. The juice’s abundance of alkaline minerals helps reduce over-acidity in the blood. It can be used to relieve many internal pains, and has been used successfully to treat peptic ulcers, ulcerative colitis, constipation, diarrhea, and other complaints of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Is a powerful detoxifier, and liver and blood protector. The enzymes and amino acids found in wheatgrass can protect us from carcinogens like no other food or medicine. It strengthens our cells, detoxifies the liver and bloodstream, and chemically neutralizes environmental pollutants.
  • Contains beneficial enzymes. The life and abilities of the enzymes found naturally in our bodies can be extended if we help them from the outside by adding exogenous enzymes, like the ones found in wheatgrass juice. We can only get the benefits of the many enzymes found in grass by eating it uncooked. Cooking destroys 100 percent of the enzymes in food.
  • Has remarkable similarity to our own blood. The second important nutritional aspect of chlorophyll is its remarkable similarity to hemoglobin, the compound that carries oxygen in the blood.
  • Externally applied to the skin can help eliminate itching almost immediately. The poultice after filtering the blended wheat grass can be used for this.
  • Will soothe sunburned skin and act as a disinfectant. Rubbed into the scalp before a shampoo, it will help mend damaged hair and alleviate itchy, scaly, scalp conditions.
  • Is soothing and healing for cuts, burns, scrapes, rashes, poison ivy, athlete’s foot, insect bites, boils, sores, open ulcers, tumors, and so on. Use as a poultice and replace every two to four hours.
  • Works as a sleep aide. Merely place a tray of living wheatgrass near the head of your bed. It will enhance the oxygen in the air and generate healthful negative ions to help you sleep more soundly.
  • Enhances your bath. Add some to your bath water and settle in for a nice, long soak.
  • Sweetens the breath and firms up and tightens gums. Just gargle with the juice.
  • Offers the benefits of a liquid oxygen transfusion since the juice contains liquid oxygen. Oxygen is vital to many body processes: it stimulates digestion (the oxidation of food), promotes clearer thinking (the brain utilizes 25% of the body’s oxygen supply), and protects the blood against anaerobic bacteria. Cancer cells cannot exist in the presence of oxygen.
  • Turns gray hair to its natural color again and greatly increases energy levels when consumed daily.
  • Wheatgrass is a beauty treatment that slows down the aging process when the juice is consumed. Wheatgrass will cleanse your blood and help rejuvenate aging cells, slowing the aging process way down, making you feel more alive right away. It will help tighten loose and sagging skin.
  • Lessens the effects of radiation. One enzyme found in wheatgrass, SOD, lessens the effects of radiation and acts as an anti-inflammatory compound that may prevent cellular damage following heart attacks or exposure to irritants.
  • Restores fertility and promotes youthfulness.
  • Can double your red blood cell count just by soaking in it. Blood building results occur even more rapidly when patients drink green juices and wheatgrass regularly.


February 25, 2013 by  
Filed under An Introduction to Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a science of life based on the Vedas, the Hindu books of knowledge and wisdom. Ayurveda was introduced for about five thousand years old. Ayurveda is perhaps the most complete system of living, embracing not only medicine, but also philosophy, psychology, lifestyle and health.

BALANCE-BODY MIND AND SPIRITAyurveda is based on the idea that the universe is composed of five basic elements of nature :Ether(space) , Air, Fire, Water and  Earth, known as the Panchamahabhutas. The panchamabhutas combine to form the three vital energies, the doshas known as Vatta, Pitta, and Kapha. The mix of the three doshas in each of us, an inherited trait, determines our physical constitution called prakriti.

  • Vata, pertaining to air and ether elements, is responsible for physical and mental movement, circulation, respiration and elimination.
  • Pitta, pertaining to fire and water elements, is responsible for physical and mental digestion and metabolism.
  • Kapha, pertaining to earth and water elements, is responsible for tissue growth and regeneration, physical and mental lubrication, structure, growth, immunity, stability and protection.

Each Dosha has an effect on the other. While one personality may reflect the prominence of one Dosha rather than another, the ideal for a balanced mind body state is where all three are working harmoniously together in a state of dynamic equilibrium

Methodology adopted in Ayurveda

Ayurveda is a holistic system of medicine that aims to balance the body, mind and spirit for optimum performance of a person and prevention and treatment of disease. Several problems such as headaches, hair loss and weight gain can be cured with this system of medicine. To achieve balance of mind and body, ayurveda recommends a proper diet, exercise and seasonal activities.

Follow Ayurvedic Diet

To do this you will have to establish your dosha typethat depends on your mind and body type. This can guide you on the foods that you should consume and the foods that you should avoid. Following an ayurvedic diet usually does not cost more than you would normally spend on groceries. It is a practical solution which requires discipline .

Practice Yoga

Regular practice of yoga along with a nutritious ayurvedic diet will do wonders for you. You will surely notice improvement in your awareness, physical health, mental stability and your ability to deal with stress. Yoga is considered good for spiritual growth as well. You can take the assistance of your instructor for determining selection of asanas.

Meditate for Balance

Ayurveda encourages meditation as it has several benefits. It clears your mind and improves your awareness. In addition it also improves your self-knowledge; an important factor that leads to a healthier mind and body, greater intelligence and stronger intuition.

Meditation can be classified into two types: daily and awareness meditation.

  • Daily mediation: Meditation is done at a specific time daily for relaxation and spiritual growth.
  • Awareness meditation: you are supposed to practice the simple art of being in the moment and it is practiced constantly in every activity that you do.

You will have to find the specific type of meditation that works for you. You can learn meditation by joining classes, reading books, CD’s or videos.

Mind Body Harmony

According to Ayurvedic principles, just as every individual has a unique fingerprint, the energy pattern of every individual varies from one another.

Ayurveda helps in bringing about balance of body, mind and consciousness, depending on individual constitution, by incorporating necessary lifestyle changes to maintain this balance.

The factors that disturb the balance of an individual could be external or internal. This would reflect by way of change in one’s constitution from their balanced state. These factors include physical and emotional stress, diet, weather change, work, family relationships and physical trauma.

Ayurveda lays emphasis on prevention and promotes maintenance of health by adopting healthy lifestyle habits.

As it is rightly said….He who has health…….. has everything.

Let’s make Ayurveda a lifestyle… enjoy a balanced life!!



February 18, 2013 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda

thyroid disorders - higher rate in womenThyroid disorders are reported in higher numbers for women. Thyroid conditions are not serious and timely treatment will enable the individuals to resume normal lives again. Thyroid hormonal imbalance occurs leading to variation in the outlook of the individual. Increase and decrease production of the hormones will result in symptoms which have an impact on the menstrual cycle.

The other common symptoms observed are gaining weight, tiredness, joint pains etc. At times the resistance of body is very low that you get repeated health problems like disrupted bowel movements, diarrhea, dry skin problems, high fever with body pains, unbearable pain in the muscles of legs and hands. At times you will not have the energy to stand , you will feel like lying down. You become tired quickly and weak.

Upon visiting the Doctor, he will recommend for Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) tests results. You can give blood sample upon fasting i.e early in the morning. The normal range is from around 0.5 to 5.5. If the TSH level is below normal, your doctor may determine that you are hyperthyroid (overactive thyroid). If the TSH level is above normal, your doctor may determine that you are hypothyroid (underactive thyroid) .

Based on the results in the medical reports, the Doctor will be able to diagnose and prescribed medications. For a person already taking medication, the dosage will be changed as per health condition.

Few points to remember: take your medication daily. Early morning is the ideal time for taking the tablet as it works well to act on the hormonal changes. Do not neglect health. Conduct blood tests once in 2 to 3 months. This will ensure you keep your Hormonal balance and can keep away from health problems.

It is advisable to perform Sugar tests also simultaneously. There is a tendency for people to get affected by Diabetes. Therefore keep a conscious check on your food habits and overall hygiene aspects.

thyroid disorders - higher rate in womenAnti-thyroid medications are helpful in regulating thyroid levels, but prolonged or excessive use may actually adversely affect the gland and result in hypothyroidism. In some cases, thyroid disorders occur after pregnancy.

The menstrual cycle gets disturbed . For persons suffering with hypothyroidism the problem is excessive bleeding and variations in the frequency of monthly cycle. For individuals suffering with hyperthyroidism the menstruation stops abruptly, symptoms of menopause are seen. In few cases blood flow during cycles becomes very low.

The appetite of the thyroid patient is usually very large and the weight reduction cannot be prevented for some time.

Great care must be taken never to allow the body to become exhausted and any irritation likely to cause emotional stress should be avoided. The cure of thyroid disease is not a speedy one and there is often a recurrence of symptoms but these should gradually become less prominent. Strict adherence to diet is essential for complete cure.

Foods that disturb iodine absorption in the body and lead to swelling of thyroid gland are: spinach, sweet potatoes, cauliflower and peanuts. In case of severe thyroid disorder, it is best to avoid vegetables such as cabbage, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and fruits such as pears and peaches as they may have a suppressive effect on thyroid function.

Iodine is undoubtedly most helpful in many cases, but it should be introduced in organic form,  all foods containing iodine should be taken liberally. These are cabbage, garlic, onion, oats, pineapple, whole rice, asparagus, tomatoes, watercress and strawberries.

Use food which helps curing constipation with rich in fiber, like salads, green vegetables and drink eight to ten glasses of water daily.

For people with hypothyroidism and associated with severe weight gain you can include turkey, yogurt, avocados, lean chicken, fish, lentils, almonds and sesame seeds.

To improve metabolism, it is best to consume smaller, frequent meals throughout the day. Do yoga and exercises to maintain your health.

All efforts should be made to prevent emotional stress. There may be slight recurrence of this extremely nervous complain for some times, but the attacks will become less severe and of shorter duration as the treatment progresses. And above all, the approach to the treatment and personal care should be consistent , the patient’s should put in efforts to help themselves because success can only be attained by constant efforts.


February 18, 2013 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda

Thyroid problem occurs mainly due to thyroid hormonal imbalance in the body. You need to understand the basics of thyroid gland and how it affects the well being of the body.

What is Thyroid Gland?

recommended diet and home remediesThe thyroid gland is a butterfly-shaped gland situated in the central area of the neck. It is involved in the release of two hormones, thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These hormones assist in various functions of the body and must be produced in adequate amounts. Their most important task is to regulate metabolic rate which is imperative for good health of an individual. In case there are problems in the functioning of the thyroid gland, several health complications may arise

Thyroid gland has very important and complex role in human body what includes: keeping normal pace of metabolism of all cells. It also affects regular absorption of glucose, synthesis of proteins, frequency of cardiac activity and circulation of blood in organism. In this way, thyroid gland is directly responsible for regular physical and mental development and good overall condition of the body.

Types of Thyroid

By the disorder of secretion of hormone there are 2 types of illness: and hypothyroidism (condition of reduced function of thyroid gland ) and hyperthyroidism (condition of increased function of thyroid gland). There are many reasons for its disorder and the most common are: irregular nutrition, irregular type of life, chronic anxiety and stress, excessive efforts during the long period of time and hereditary factor.

Symptoms of Thyroid

The patient will have dry hair which would look coarse throughout the day. The skin would be excessively dry while the patient might look tired, weak and fatigued. Other problems include cold intolerance, tremors, cramps, aches, depression, loss of weight, decreased or increased appetite, constipation, unbalanced bowel movements, decreased libido, miscarriages, high cholesterol, memory loss, poor concentration levels, irritability, insomnia, infertility, family history etc.

People with Hyperthyroidism suffer the contradictory situation in which they feel fatigue and lack of energy and yet are compelled to move about, talk and do things. They are constantly fidgeting and the slightest remark may set off an inappropriately angry response.

Severe problems from hypothyroid are the result of failure to develop properly, such as cretinism and juvenile myxodema. Long term hypothyroidism, such as adult myxodema, which is characterized by swelling of skin and subcutaneous tissues; dry, cold and slightly yellow skin, puffy face, loss of eyebrows, anginal pain, bradycardia, anorexia, constipation, and anemia.

Hair loss leading to scanty hair or patches appearing on the scalp is observed. Irritation is observed and feeling of being rejected, unwanted, seeps in and therefore are emotionally down. An individual handling tough situations in high spirits and tackled with ease becomes jerky and emotionally low causing tears to flow for smaller issues too.

With thyroid problems men will have low sperm count and infertility issues. Their nails will be small and brittle. A low performance and low libido will eventually lead to chronic depression. Men often face rejections in most of their decisions which often makes them depressed and unsorted. Hence, even men need to visit their docs periodically that will help them to get over some of the problems with medications and counseling.

Recommended diets

Iodine is undoubtedly most helpful in many cases, but it should be introduced in organic form. All foods containing iodine should be taken liberally. These are asparagus, cabbage, garlic, onion, oats, pineapple, whole rice, tomatoes, watercress and strawberries. The diet should consist of at least 50 percent of fresh foods, organic foods which aid in proper metabolic activity. To improve metabolism, it is best to consume smaller, frequent meals throughout the day.

People with hypothyroidism often face the problem of weight gain. Include turkey, yogurt, avocados, lean chicken, fish, lentils, almonds and sesame seeds.

Certain foods like milk, barley, Green grams, Bengal gram, sugarcane juice, cucumber and milk products are good for thyroids. At times foods like carrot, amla which are high in calcium also needs to be consumed.

Coconut oil is considered better for overall thyroid health. Coconut oil is a saturated fat. Its triglycerides increase metabolism and control weight.

Vegetable juices, unrefined sea salt are healthy foods that can improve thyroid functioning.

Foods to avoid

Certain foods should be avoided as they can disrupt iodine absorption in the body and lead to swelling of the thyroid gland. These foods include spinach, sweet potatoes, cauliflower and peanuts. Avoidance of excess wheat flour, refined sugars, potatoes, and other glycolic foods also helps. Stimulants like caffeine should be avoided at all costs.

In case of severe thyroid disorder, it is best to avoid vegetables such as cabbage, kale, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and fruits such as pears and peaches as they may have a suppressive effect on thyroid function. On the other hand sour foods often worsen the situation.

Useful Herbs:

  • Shilajeet-Asphaltum puniabiunum – Shilajeet is known as India’s wonder drug, it contains 85 minerals in different forms.
  • Kanchanara – Bauhinia veriegata (purple mountain ebony): Helps in healthy functioning of thyroid.
  • Bladder wrack (Fucus vesiculosus) – A natural source of iodine.
  • Licorice – Used to maintain a healthy balance between glands and energy building.
  • Guggulu: It supports removal of toxins and relief of inflammation, especially in the joints and muscles.

Consult the doctor for medical advice and dosage forms.

Yoga Practices and Exercises recommended

Thyroid disorder can be cured from root if yoga and pranayama is practiced regularly.

  • Perform Ujjayi pranayama and other yogas which helps in throat problems.
  • recommended diet and home remediesPracticing Surya Namaskar benefits the Endocrine system and enables the various endocrinal glands to function properly. These include the thyroid, parathyroid and pituitary glands as well as the adrenal gland, testes and ovaries. Like most forms of exercise, Surya Namaskar provides mental benefits to regular practitioners. You will feel wonderful after performing the Sun Salutation. It is relaxing and rejuvenating, and tension, stress and anxiety melt away as you perform Surya Namaskar.
  • Important asanas for thyroid problem are Sarwangasana, Halasana, Matsyasana, ushtrasana, ardhchandrasana, sinhasana.
  • Practice bhastrika, anuloma viloma and kapalbhati pranayama daily. Also practice Nadi shodhan. Practice Vajrasana after lunch and dinner.
  • Practicing goumukhasana, makrasana, bhuganasana, dhanurasana, shalbhasana can also produce good results in curing thyroid.


Always advised to perform the yoga asanas in the presence of the trainer till you are thorough and can do it independently. Walking is an essential exercise , at least 30 minutes.

Home Remedies

  • Use food which helps curing constipation with rich in fiber, like salads, green vegetables and drink eight to ten glasses of water daily.
  • Prevent emotional stress. Make it a practice to consult the doctor every 2 to 3 months before situation worsens.
  • The individual should make a conscious effort to control hormonal imbalances, consuming medication religiously and doing exercises.

Keep your mind occupied. Initiate reading habit and engage yourself with a passion you enjoy and you will definitely see changes.


February 15, 2013 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda

benefits of curry leavesCurry leaves are also known as sweet Neem leaves. Curry leaves are extremely popular in various culinary recipes. Indians include curry leaves  or curry powder in the recipes. Indian cooking is devoid without curry leaves . The curry leaf plant belongs to the Rutaceae family.

There are numerous benefits of curry leaves. The health benefits are many and the usage has spread across the world. Curry leaves are good for hair and skin too.

Curry leaves avoid Premature greying of hair

Youngsters both male and female suffer from premature greying of hair. External application helps hair growth and color . Eating the leaves helps in strengthening hair roots, minimizes hairfall and dandruff. To avoid premature greying of hair children should practice eating curry leaves added in food recipes .

  • Heat a litre of coconut oil or sesame oil and drop 10 to 20 curry leaves into the oil. Remove from heat when it reaches boiling point. This oil is allowed to cool,  then stored in bottles and used as hair oil before bathing. Apply this oil liberally on the scalp and allow it to soak for about 15-20 minutes. Wash the hair with a mild shampoo or shikkakai powder. Follow this routine once or twice a week.
  • Boil some curry leaves, hibiscus flowers, gooseberry, and basil leaves in some coconut oil and cool. Apply this oil to your scalp; leave it on for about half an hour, and then shampoo.

Curry leaves helps to Strengthen bones

The calcium content in curry leaves helps in strengthening the bones. Complementary treatment for people with osteoporosis and other similar conditions of the bone.

Curry leaves relieves skin problems and insect bites

During summer boils and eruptions appear on skin. These boils stay for a short time but are painful. To minimize the condition application of curry leaves poultice / paste gives quick relief. Can be applied on insect bites, snakebite, spots and rashes

  • The Curry plants produce fruits that are green in colour when it is raw and purple when it is ripe. The juice of the berries mixed with equal proportion of Lime juice can be used for external application in Insect Stings and bites of Poisonous creatures for immediate relief.

Curry leaves has Anti fungal activity

Due to the anti-fungal activity in curry leaves , it is used to fight bad breath and gum disease.

Curry leaves fights Cancerous cells

Curry leaves help reduce the size of a tumor by fighting cancerous cells.

For a glowing skin

Grind curry leaves into a fine paste and add a little bit of turmeric to it. Apply this paste on skin that has acne for a couple of days and the result is clear and glowing skin. Curry leaves is also used as mild laxative. The juices extracted from the leaves  and other herbs are consumed with buttermilk.

Instill the practice of consuming curry leaves in your dishes. Include this in your daily diet for better health.


February 15, 2013 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda

health benefits of curry leavesCurry leaves is an essential ingredient of Indian cooking. Curry leaves adds flavour and aroma to the cooking and the recipe is incomplete if curry leaves are not added. The Curry leaf tree (Murraya Koenigii) is native to India. Also known as sweet neem leaves.

Children often wonder why curry leaves are added in the dishes . They find this annoying and remove curry leaves prior to consuming the dishes. Children do this in ignorance. By reading this article you will remind the significance and healing properties of curry leaves.

Curry leaves have vitamin A, vitamin B, vitamin B2, vitamin C, calcium and iron in plenty. Curry leaf has many medicinal properties. It stimulates digestive enzymes and helps break down food more easily and therefore find a prominent place in Indian cooking. Gradually other countries have started to use Curry leaves . Oil of curry leaves can be used in the absence of fresh curry leaves. However fresh curry leaves are in demand .

Studies reveal that curry leaves consist 66.3% of Moisture, 16.0% of Carbohydrates, 6.4% of Fibre etc. The rest is made of a mixture of carbohydrates, fiber, minerals, and vitamins. Many of these are directly responsible for the health benefits you experience.

Curry leaves treats tasteless tongue

Curry leaves can be used to treat a tasteless tongue. It also contains good amounts of amino acids. Excessive use of antibiotics, indigestion etc can result in loss of taste. The leaves tend to excite the taste buds.

  • A handful of curry leaves along with ginger, salt, garlic, tamarind and chillies is ground to a fine paste. This is then mixed with hot rice. A few helpings of this mixture help arouse the taste buds. This is repeated two to three times a day till the condition improves.
  • When dealing with issues like loss of appetite and tastelessness, have a remedial drink prepared by adding curry leaf paste, cumin seed powder, and black salt in a cup of buttermilk.

Curry leaves treats excessive Pitta condition

Curry leaves can relieve nausea and vomiting in the mornings  which is a symptom of excessive pitta conditions . There may be even vomiting of bile.

  • Make a paste of curry leaves with ginger, fried black gram, and salt. This paste is taken with food for a couple of days. This is very effective in treating nausea and vomiting due to excessive pitta.
  • Extract juice of curry leaves, squeeze a lime and add a pinch of sugar.

Curry leaves treats morning sickness during Pregnancy

During Pregnancy women experience morning sickness due to hormonal changes which makes them vomit or they have the repeated urge to vomit.

  • To relieve morning sickness, take juice of 15-20 curry leaves, mixed with one teaspoon of sugar and two teaspoons of lemon juice in the morning.
  • Having buttermilk mixed with a paste prepared from freshly chopped curry leaves provides relief from nausea and vomiting. This mixture relieves fatigue too.
  • Soak some curry leaves in four cups of water for two hours, filter the solution and drink half a cup of the mixture three times in a day.

Curry leaves Improves eye sight…minimizes cataract

Curry leaves are also known to improve eyesight, so make sure you do not throw away the leaves while eating. Its richness in vitamin A and antioxidants may help explain its use in preventing early development of cataract. Being a good source of folic acid, the leaves can also help in absorption of iron.

  • The fresh juice of curry leaves are also used as an eye treatment for certain eye disorders, especially in arresting the development of cataract.
  • Traditional practitioners suffuse the fresh extract of curry leaves in the eyes of patients who suffer from bad eyesight thus helping them to prevent early development of eye disorders.

Curry leaves helps in digestion

They also help in quick digestion. Curry leaves take care of indigestion, stomach ulcers due to excessive acid secretion in stomach, diarrhea and other similar problems. It also prevents deposition of fat in various parts of the body.

  • Take a handful of curry leaves, a dry red chilli and sauté them in ghee. Add a pinch of salt and pinch of tamarind to this and grind all of these to a fine paste adding water as necessary. This paste is mixed in hot rice and taken as a remedy for nausea, vomiting, digestive problems, diarrhea, bloated stomach etc.
  • Have a glass of buttermilk mixed with a little hing (asafoetida)  and a few chopped curry leaves , after meal for good digestion.

Curry leaves has Anti-Diabetic property

This is an ideal herb for people suffering from the ill effects of diabetes. Common observation in Diabetes patients are having aches and pains in the upper and lower limbs coupled with impaired vision , they often suffer from frequent vertigo ( giddy feeling due to unsteadiness). These patients should take curry leaves at frequent intervals to overcome these problems.

  • Diabetes due to heredity factors can be cured by eating ten fresh fully grown Curry leaves every morning for three months. It also helps in curing Diabetes due to Obesity due to the weight reducing properties of the leaves.
  • Kashayam made of curry leaves dried in shade and powdered is a very potent remedy that helps stabilize glucose levels in a diabetic patient.
  • You can control blood sugar levels in a diabetic patient by chewing and eating a couple of curry leaves along with a few pepper corns first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.

Curry leaves Reduce Cholesterol

Increase in cholesterol can lead to obesity, increase in blood pressure, lethargy and other ill effects. Cholesterol levels in edible oils can be reduced to a large extent by making use of a handful of curry leaves. Helps reduce blood cholesterol.

  • Boil 1 kg of the cooking oil with 15-20 curry leaves and then filter. This oil can then be used in preparing food stuff. This is said to bring down cholesterol level in oils.

Curry leaves effective for Diarrhea

An excellent remedy made using curry leaves is found to be very effective in treating diarrhea.

  • Finely powder 40 gm of curry leaves and 10 gm of cumin seeds and take orally. Drink a glass of warm water. A teaspoon of honey is taken after 10 minutes. This routine is continued three to four times a day.


February 11, 2013 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda

benefits of drumstickThe drumstick is a vegetable that is commonly available in India, Sri Lanka and Pakistan. Grown as a backyard tree in most homes, the drumstick tree has small white flowers, small and round leaves and drumstick like pods. Known to have several curative properties due to its antibacterial and cleansing properties, the drumstick is also cooked and eaten as a vegetable. Drumsticks are a very good source of calcium, vitamin C, phosphorus and carotene. Even the flowers and leaves are used in everyday cooking for the high levels of nutrients in them.

The botanical name of Drumstick plants is Moringa oleifera . Drumstick plants are extensively cultivated commercially in the sub tropical, tropical and semi arid regions of the World. Drumsticks are in great demand due to its nutritional and medicinal properties.

Drumstick Cures Cardiac Diseases
It cures this disease by consuming leaves or drumstick. You can cook them using different ingredients in different dishes.

Drumstick Reduces Cancer Level
Continuous consuming of drumstick and its leaves reduces the chances of developing cancer by 80% and it has been proved ladies who are victim of breast cancer heal fast from this sickness.

Drumstick Increases Bone Density
After consuming drumstick regularly for two months it has been proved that it increases density of bones. This is very good for growing up kids.

Drumstick Increases milk production

Drumstick fruit is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and anti oxidants. It can be used during pregnancy. Leaves, flower and buds are good when consumed. It improves milk flow in lactating mothers.

Drumstick as Resistance to Cold and Viral Fever
As Drumstick is rich in vitamins, it improves the immune system which helps body to fight against the foreign virus which makes person sick.

Drumstick Reduces Intestine Tumor or Ulcer
Intestine tumor or ulcer can be reduced and many experiments have been done in past which was positive in reducing size of ulcer by just providing drumstick extract.

Drumstick Reduces Infection on Skin Diseases
As drumstick has toxin free agents, it also helps in reducing bacterial infection on skin. Application of roots paste gives relief from severe itching.

Drumstick Reduces Impotence
Drumstick extract and flower consumed with milk with nutmeg (jatifal) improve the function of ovaries and reduce the impotence due to which person can copulate and release healthy sperms to start a family life. It also helps ladies to improve the function of ovaries to release healthy eggs.

Drumstick Improves Vision of Eye and Retina
It improves the vision of eye also clears the toxins from the retina which increases the life of retina.

Drumstick Reduces Ladies Period Cramps
Drumstick leaves soup when taken continuously for 21 days, it changes the cycle of period in ladies which helps in reducing the cramps.

Uterus Fibroid
It reduces the size of cyst on uterus; hence it helps in reducing the pain below the naval in ladies. in some rural areas in India, this technique is practiced by middle aged woman’s to reduce the pain in abdomen.

Asthma, Bronchitis, Tuberculosis
Person has to prepare the soup from leaves of Drum stick twice a day and consume fresh soup. This will help to make lungs strong removes the toxin from the lungs which are deposited because of cigarette smoking or heavy industry air pollution.

Drumsticks are Beneficial for Brain Injury
Drumstick and its leaves are very beneficial for all sort of head injury. Even doctors recommend patients to have this after going through operation on brain.

Drumsticks Improves Digestion problem
After consuming the leaves and drumstick for particular period of time, it helps internal organ to function properly. As kidney liver function improves, it helps intestine to improve the quality of gastric juice. This helps in digestion problem.

Drumsticks Reduces Diabetic Level
Few experiments were conducted in 1982 on 36 diabetic patients in TamilNadu. Out of which 30 people showed positive result of reducing sugar level in blood.

Drumsticks Makes Gall Bladder Healthy
It helps in improving the function of gall bladder, which help diabetes people to reduce the sugar score. People who are not diabetic , it helps to keep the gall bladder healthy.

Drumsticks Cures Arthritis
This tree works much better than expected in curing Arthritis.

High acidic Urine (Diuretic)
Remove the extract from drumstick leaves or best way to grind leaves in carrot juice and consume 300 ml every 6 to 10 hours. Also start the toxin free process to flush out bacteria or virus from the body. It gives good result. In few days time acid in urine reduces.

Drumsticks used to reduce Pimple, Black heads, skin complexion
Drumstick leaf extract mixed with lime juice can be used to reduce the pimples & black heads. It gives a smooth complexion.

Diarrhea, dysentery
Half cup drum stick leaf extract, one spoon honey with one cup coconut water helps healing with from the sickness.

Drumstick improves Nervous and Immune system
It has been proved in past that continuous consumption of drumstick help person improve the immune system and also seen that person is quite healthy without getting any cold or viral fever. Slightly increase in blood hemoglobin has been also reported lately.

Drumsticks can be used to cure severe health conditions faster, they should not be used in place of a proper medical treatment.

In spite of all the drumsticks benefits mentioned above, an excess in consumption of this vegetable and other plant parts can be quite harmful. Therefore, it is recommended to consult a medical practitioner or a dietician before adding any excess amount of drumsticks to a regular diet.

MORINGA LEAVES – Contains Power of Eight Essential Amino Acids that our Body Cannot Manufacture

February 11, 2013 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda

Moringa Leaf

benefits of drumstick moringaMoringa leaves commonly called drumstick tree leaves, name is Moringa Oleifera. The Drumstick tree is a common sight in India and has been planted and propagated around the world due to its popularity of health benefits.

Moringa flowers and buds are also used for cooking along with leaves. The drumstick is sold as a vegetable during season. Drumstick when cooked in Sambhar gives a unique flavor. Drumstick pickles are very popular in India and is readily available round the year.

Moringa is one of the most powerful health-enhancing plants. Drumstick plant leaves can treat nearly 300 diseases, there are references in India’s ancient tradition of Ayurveda. Recent scientific research has proven that these humble leaves are in fact a powerhouse of nutritional value.

Benefits of Moringa leaf:

There was a campaign initiated by WHO to plant more drumstick trees in the developing countries as the entire plant has nutritional and medicinal benefits.

Drumstick plant leaves are an excellent source of nutrition and natural energy booster. Moringa leaves are a power house of nutrients.

  • Moringa leaves have many medicinal properties.
  • Moringa leaves are soothing. It helps lower blood pressure and is a sleep aid. Used to treat anxiety too.
  • Moringa leaves can control glucose levels in cases of diabetes.
  • Moringa leaves juice is used as a skin antiseptic.
  • Moringa leaves are used to kill intestinal worms
  • Moringa leaves can be used to relieve cold by inhalation. Boil leaves in water and steam inhale. Follow steam inhalation 2 times and you can definitely see the difference.
  • A soup made by boiling a tablespoon of leaves in 2 cups of water with salt, crushed black pepper and a few drops of lime juice helps treat several respiratory diseases like asthma, tuberculosis and bronchitis.
  • Moringa leaves and buds when applied on the forehead relieves headache.
  • Moringa leaf is a good purgative. The leaves when consumed will act as a laxative relieving constipation problems.
  • Moringa leaves has detoxifying effect, also known for its ability to purify water.
  • Moringa leaves act as a coagulant by attaching itself to harmful material and bacteria .The leaves when ingested attack parasitic worms.
  • Moringa leaves provide multi vitamin too in the following ways:
  • Mineral Contents in Drumstick Leaves
  • Vitamin A — Four times as in Carrot.
  • Vitamin C — Seven times as in Orange.
  • Potassium – Three times as in Banana
  • Calcium – Four times Calcium as in Milk.
  • Protein – Two times Protein as in Yogurt.
  • Eating Moringa leaves is believed to increase a woman’s milk lactation and is sometimes prescribed for anemia. The juice of moringa leaves when mixed with honey and followed by a drink of coconut water,  2 – 3 times a day will work as a wonderful remedy for diarrhea and dysentery .
  • Moringa leaves have better proteins than Soy. Moringa is considered to have the highest protein ratio of any plant so far identified, with the protein in Moringa being comparable in quality to that of soy.
  • Moringa protein is better than soy protein as it is non-allergic. Proteins are digested into smaller units known as amino acids. Moringa contains 18 of the 20 amino acids required by the human body including all eight of the essential amino acids found in meat products. Now with cost booming Meat is a luxury most people around the world cannot afford. The body cannot manufacture those eight essential amino acids and must get them through the food we eat. Moringa is one of very few plants that contain all eight.
  • Moringa leaves and extract cake increases milk production in cattle.
  • Moringa leaves does not have impurities, no adverse reactions recorded till date.

A simple recipe with moringa leaves , flowers and buds :

Moringa leaves torran:

benefits of drumstick moringaIngredients:

Fresh moringa leaves- 2 cups. Include flowers and buds too ( wash and place in a sieve to drain water)

1 medium Onion – Chop to fine pieces

For grinding:

2 green chillies cut length wise, Garlic pods- 4 nos, Cumin seeds -1/4 tsp ,

Fresh coconut grated – ½ cup, Turmeric -1/4 tsp

Grind the ingredients coarsely.

For seasoning:

Oil -2 tsp , Mustard seeds-1/4 tsp, Rice- 2 tsp , curry leaves-1 stem

Salt to taste


Add oil in a flat bottom pan. When hot , season with mustard seeds, rice and curry leaves. To this add onion, when translucent add the leaves. Saute and cook it under steam in a low flame. Now add salt and the grinded paste. Mix thoroughly till it is of dry consistency. Coconut relieves the bitter taste of the leaves and is a good combination with rice or hot pulkas.

Note: Usually in Indian dishes seasoning includes dhals but for Moringa leaves dishes rice is used. When fried in oil rice becomes white  and crispy.

Enjoy various ways to include the leaves and vegetable in your diet. Stay healthy.


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