Is it Safe to Sleep on Your Stomach?

February 9, 2015 by  
Filed under General Advice, Tips for Ayurveda

In this busy world most of us go to bed and do not get sleep at all. Most of us keep tossing and turning and finally go to sleep in any position that the body tunes to. It can be side sleeping, sleeping on your stomach and the recommended posture sleeping on your back.

sleeping-on-stomach Is it safe to sleep on your stomach? The logical answer is ‘NO’. When you sleep on your stomach you may avoid snoring but you end up straining your neck and back. When you sleep on your stomach you are putting a big load on your spine which is not in recommended posture. The back pain problems will continue throughout the day and you are restless at work too.

All pain starts with the spine

Most of the stomach sleepers experience through a lot of pain. It could be neck pain, back pain, joints pains. The pains will not provide a deep sleep, you will wake up with pricking pain and you are tired in the morning due to insufficient sleep.

When you sleep on your stomach you are straining your neck and back. As the spine is connected to the other nerves in your body, you can feel pain at any other critical joint in your body causing tingling and at times numbness too.

Neck problem

You cannot obviously breathe through your pillow and therefore force your neck to rest inclined on the pillow. This position will put your head and spine out of alignment, twisting your neck. You may not realize the negative effects immediately or after one night’s sleep in this position. With time your neck problems will become evident.

The neck problem you need to avoid is a herniated disk. That is terribly painful and this situation is when one of your spinal vertebrae has shifted enough to rupture the gelatinous disk inside it. When this gel leaks, it can irritate the nerves.

Extra care for Pregnant women

When an expecting mother goes to bed she is actually sleeping for two, that means you need quality sleep and rest. You cannot even imagine to sleep on your stomach in the latter months, you need to avoid this posture during early pregnancy too. That extra weight around the middle will increase the pull on your spine.

Your baby will get more room if not forced to squeeze in between your spine and the mattress. A medical study suggests that sleeping on your left side when you’re pregnant can increase healthy blood flow and provide the optimum oxygen levels for you and your baby.

If it has become a Habit

If you have been sleeping on your stomach all your life and despite all feedback and warnings you just cannot sleep in other position then here are some tips that will help you avoid any potential complications.

  • Use a thin pillow or no pillow at all. The flatter the pillow, the less angled your head and neck.
  • Put a pillow under your pelvis. This will help keep your back in a more neutral position and take pressure off your spine.
  • Stretch in the mornings. A few minutes of stretching will help get your body back in alignment and gently strengthen supporting muscles. Be sure to warm up with a little movement before stretching, and be gentle!

Read: A good sleep will make you look younger

The most common symptom of an incorrect sleeping position:

  • Constant tiredness, from mild to severe
  • Irritability, temper and moodiness
  • Loss of concentration, and in severe cases memory loss and hallucinations
  • Loss of coordination, in severe cases the incidences of auto accidents increases with loss of sleep
  • Problems with relationships
  • Absenteeism and tardiness at work or school
  • Loss of appetite or the opposite, binge-eating
  • Use of prescription sleep aids that could become habitual
  • Use of stimulants

Regardless of your sleep problems, a consistent sleep routine and improved sleep habits will translate into better sleep over the long term. You can address many common sleep problems through lifestyle changes and improved sleep hygiene.

Read: Bedtime Yoga for Relaxation and Better Sleep

To be rid of these disorders it is necessary to learn to sleep in the correct position. Please add a comment and, if you like the post, feel free to share it with your friends. You can also visit our Facebook page and Google plus page for more insight on other articles.

Jamun (Black Plum) Controls Blood Sugar levels

June 24, 2014 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda

jamun controls blood sugarJamun, Black plum , java plum, malabar plum, jambolan or jambul can help a lot in controlling blood sugar level because it contains anthocyanins, ellagic acid, hydrolysable tannins etc. Each part of the Jambul plant such as the leaves, berry and seeds can be used by those suffering from diabetes. In fact, research has shown that the fruits and seeds of this plant have hypoglycemic effects as they help reduce blood and urine sugar levels rapidly.

Jamun Controls Blood Sugar levels

The seeds, in particular, are very effective as it contains glycoside jamboline and alkaloid jambosine that regulate and control blood sugar levels. Whenever this seasonal fruit is available in the market, try to include it in your diet as it can be very effective for the pancreas. Else you can make a powder of dried seeds of Jambul fruit and eat this powder with water twice a day.

Indian Black berry or Jamun is native to India and its neighboring countries but you can find it at Asian markets and herbal shops. Ayurvedic and Unani systems of medicine use the fruit, seeds, bark, leaves etc to treat a variety of health problems. Ayurveda texts indicate that Jambolan is one of the greatest fruits.

The seeds contain the glucoside jambolin which prevents the conversion of starch into sugar and this benefits by controlling blood sugar levels. They also contain many flavonoids, phenols and are rich in protein and calcium. It is a very good source of carotene, iron, folic acid, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus.

The tree flowers with the onset of summer in March/April and bears fruit in May/June when it is hotter. The fruits’ skin is in various shades of purple, some almost black colored. It is an oblong shaped berry and the ripe berry has a deep purple flesh that colors the mouth and tongue for a few hours after it is eaten. The fruit tastes sweet and tasty with an astringent action.

Our next lane which takes pride of a jamun tree has the complete road blue with vehicles plying to and fro on the ripe fruits keep dropping . The last shower saw colorful water flowing adjacent to the road with pools of water collected and the sand also had a blue coloration.

Caution for pregnant women:

jamun controls blood sugarFew people advise pregnant women to avoid eating jamun as it will result in baby’s skin getting stained with small dark patches in the womb. However there is no clinical versions to support this claim.There is no harm absolutely for pregnant women to eat 8 to 10 black plums a day, why miss all the health benefits when the fruit is in season.

Top health benefits of Jamun:

  • Dried seeds powder two times a day at one gram each dose could help support blood sugar.
  • Fruits reduce excessive salivation
  • Seeds decoction with honey prevents thirst and fatigue due to physical strain.
  • Seeds decoction has anti septic activity
  • For boils and other skin disorders apply some jamun seeds mixed with a little oil on the affected area.
  • For Acidity, eat jamuns with black salt and roasted cumin seed powder.
  • To remove body weakness, treat anemia, increase memory and remove sexual weakness, take 1 tsp each of jamun juice, honey and amla juice everyday in the morning.

Precautions while consuming Jamuns:

  • Avoid eating jamuns on an empty stomach
  • Never drink milk after consuming jamun.
  • Do not eat them in excess as it may cause body aches and fevers.

Jamun is nature’s gift to mankind. Make best use of the natural resource– Jamun to control and regulate blood sugar levels. During off season the fruit can be consumed with the by-products like jamun seeds powder, vinegar, juices, jellies etc.