November 24, 2016 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda


Cancer is a condition where cells in a specific part of the body (abnormal cells) divide uncontrollably with the potential to invade or spread to other parts of the body. Cancer begins in your cells, which are building blocks of your body. Not all tumors are cancerous; benign tumors do not spread to other parts of the body. Cancer starts when the gene changes make one cell or a few cells begin to grow and multiply too much. This may cause a growth called tumor. Cancer occurs in individual’s who have other conditions. Cancer is a “great imitator”. As a result it’s common for people diagnosed with cancer to have been treated for other diseases, which were hypothesized to be causing their symptoms. There are different types of cancer.

Warning-Signs-Of-Cancer Most common types of cancer are:

Brain cancer: a cancerous or non- cancerous mass or growth of abnormal cells in the brain.

Breast cancer: A disease that is common among middle aged women. A cancer that forms in the cells of the breasts.

Prostate cancer: A cancer in a man’s prostrate, a small walnut shaped gland that produces seminal fluid.

Lung cancer: A cancer that begins in the lungs and most often occurs in people.

Melanoma: The most serious type of skin cancer.


The warning signs of cancer include:

Cancer usually has no symptoms in its early stages, but eventually a malignant tumor will grow large enough to be detected. The earlier cancer is detected, the more likely it is that treatments will be successful. Change in bowels or bladder habits for no good reason.

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Persistent headaches.
  • Persistent fatigue, nausea or vomiting.
  • A sore or bruise that does not heal.
  • Shortness of breathe.
  • Unusual bleeding or discharge.
  • Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing.
  • Nagging cough or hoarseness that last longer than three weeks.
  • Obvious change in a wart or mole.
  • Blood anywhere it normally should not be- in urine, bowel motions or from spitting.
  • New lumps or growths on your skin.
  • Chronic pain in bones or any other areas of the body.
  • Thickening or lump in the breast, testicles or elsewhere.
  • Repeated infection.
  • Change in bowels or bladder habits
  • Unexpected Weight Loss

Cancer can cause other skin changes, such as:

  • Dark spots
  • Increased hair growth
  • Jaundice
  • Redness

The following are the potential warning signs of cancer. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms please consult an oncologist (cancer specialist) and undergo examination and screening

Ways to prevent Cancer

Cancers don’t develop overnight. Cancer fighting foods and other lifestyle moves can significantly reduce your cancer risk. Many cancers can be treated by:

  • Stand more sit less
  • Not smoking
  • Maintaining a healthy weight
  • Not drinking too much alcohol
  • Eating plenty of vegetables, fruits and whole grains
  • Vaccination against certain infectious diseases
  • Not eating too much processed and red meat
  • Get 15 minutes of sun a day
  • Avoiding too much sunlight exposure
  • Cut out sugary drinks.

Prevention is better than cure.


Home Remedies to Treat Dengue Fever

October 3, 2016 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda, Types of Fever

Treat Dengue Fever  Dengue (pronounced DENGEE) fever is also known as breakbone fever. Dengue fever is a painful, debilitating mosquito- borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. Dengue virus is primarily transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. There are four distinct serotypes of dengue virus (DEN 1, DEN 2, DEN 3 and DEN 4). They typically bite during the early morning and in the evening but they may bite and thus spread infection at any time of day. The mosquito becomes infected when it bites a person with dengue virus in their blood. When the infected mosquito then bites another person, the virus enters that person’s bloodstream.

Humans are the primary host of the virus. An infection can be acquired via a single bite. A female mosquito that takes a blood meal from a person infected with dengue fever, during the initial 2-10 day period becomes itself infected with the virus in the cells lining its gut. About 8-10 days later the virus spreads to other tissues including the mosquito’s salivary glands and is subsequently released into its saliva.


Symptoms usually begin 4-6 days after infection and last for up to 10 days. Signs and symptoms of dengue fever most commonly include:

  • Sudden high fever
  • Severe headache
  • Low blood pressure
  • Widespread rashes
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Severe joint and muscle pain
  • Nausea and vomiting

Home Remedies to treat Dengue Fever:

Remedies of Dengue FeverUsing natural remedy for health problem instead of drugs is the best thing to do.  Natural remedies are medicinal products where the active ingredient is of natural origin.

WATER: This may seem like common sense, but due to the excessive sweating, bodily exertion, and the internal toll that dengue fever takes on the body, extreme dehydration is common. Drink as much as water possible to keep the body hydrated. It will bring down the temperature and ease the symptoms of dengue fever like headache, muscle cramps etc. Water will also help to flush the body and eliminate excess toxins that can complicate the viral impact of the pathogen.

PAPAYA LEAVES: Papaya is widely known as being a natural cure for dengue fever.  Papaya helps in reducing the symptoms of fever like body ache, nausea and getting tired easily. The complex mix of nutrients and organic compounds in papaya can cause a rise in your platelet count, the high levels of vitamin C help stimulate the immune system and eliminate the toxins in the blood. Papaya leaves can be crushed and then strained with a cloth to drink the pure juice.

BARLEY GRASS: This natural ingredient has the ability to increase the blood platelet count of the body by stimulating the production of more blood cells. One can drink barley tea or eat barley grass for rapidly increasing the blood platelet count.

GOLDENSEAL: Goldenseal has the ability to clear up the symptoms of dengue fever very quickly and eliminate the virus from the body. Goldenseal is a herb whose dried root is used to make medicine. It has the ability to clear up the symptoms of dengue fever very quickly and eliminate the virus from the body. You can either use it by crushing, chewing or by juicing it. Goldenseal has a natural antiviral capacity which can essentially cure dengue fever in a few days.

TULSI LEAVES OR BLACK PEPPER: Tulsi leaves are another great option for dengue fever treatment. Consume a drink made by boiling tulsi leaves and adding about 2 grams of black pepper to it. Drinking boiled tulsi water can help prevent the outbreak of dengue. This drink helps in building your immunity and acts as an anti bacterial element.

NEEM LEAVES: Neem leaves are commonly used to cure a variety of ailments and dengue fever is one among them. Steeping neem leaves and then drink the subsequent brew has been shown to increase blood platelet count and white blood cell count, the dangerous side effects of the virus and also helps subside the fever. Properly brewed neem leaves can improve the immune system and return your strength much faster.

ORANGE JUICE: The rich mixture of antioxidants and vitamins found in orange juice make it ideal for treating the secondary symptoms of dengue fever and eliminating the virus. Orange juice helps to promote antibodies of the immune system, increase urination and release of toxins.

Dengue fever is flu like illness that affects infants, young children and adults. Most people recover within a week or so. But in some cases symptoms worsen and can become life threatening. As prevention protect yourself and make efforts to keep the mosquito population down.























Easy ways to Prevent Dengue Fever

September 29, 2016 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda, Types of Fever

Easy Ways to Prevent From Dengue Fever

prevent Dengue   Dengue (pronounced DENGEE) fever is also known as breakbone fever. Dengue fever is a painful, debilitating mosquito- borne tropical disease caused by the dengue virus. Dengue virus is primarily transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. They typically bite during the early morning and in the evening but they may bite and thus spread infection at any time of day. The mosquito becomes infected when it bites a person with dengue virus in their blood. When the infected mosquito then bites another person, the virus enters that person’s bloodstream.

Humans are the primary host of the virus. An infection can be acquired via a single bite. A female mosquito that takes a blood meal from a person infected with dengue fever, during the initial 2-10 day period becomes itself infected with the virus in the cells lining its gut. About 8-10 days later the virus spreads to other tissues including the mosquito’s salivary glands and is subsequently released into its saliva.


Symptoms usually begin 4-6 days after infection and last for up to 10 days. Signs and symptoms of dengue fever most commonly include:

  • Sudden high fever
  • Severe headache
  • Low blood pressure
  • Widespread rashes
  • Pain behind the eyes
  • Severe joint and muscle pain
  • Nausea and vomiting

Ways to Prevent Dengue Fever

  • Garlic : Garlic is best Mosquito repellant. Put a bulb of garlic near windows and other open spaces
  • Neem Oil : Keep Neem oil soaked cotton balls in every corner of your house. This will prevent the entry of Mosquitoes.
  • Tulsi Leaf : Boil some tulsi leaves in a cup of watrer and drink this concoction everyday. This will strengthen your immune system
  • Camphor: Burn Camphor and room closed for 20 minutes. This will completely eradicate mosquitoes.
  • Take foods that boost our immunity power of your body like lemon, nut, oat, egg.
  • There is no vaccine to prevent dengue fever. The best way to prevent the disease is to prevent mosquito bites by infected mosquitoes.
  • Eliminate mosquito breeding sites around homes.
  • You can turn to natural repellents like lemon eucalyptus oil, lavender, neem oil and cinnamon oil to protect yourself against mosquito bites.
  • Use mosquito repellents, even indoors.
  • Regular change the water in outdoor bird baths and pets water dishes.
  • Stay away from heavily populated residential areas.
  • Wear long sleeves  shirts and long pants outdoor
  • When indoors, use air conditioning if available.
  • Use plug in devices with insecticides in them to kill mosquitoes.
  • Make sure window and door screens are secure and free of holes. If sleeping areas are not screened or air conditioned, use mosquito nets.



How to detox and cleanse your liver and kidney naturally at home

July 22, 2016 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda


                   Liver and kidney are the vital organs of our body that help process and filter out food, medications, alcohol and other substances that enter our body. The substances that we take into our body can pollute our liver and kidney and hence make it hard for them to function properly. It can lead to innumerable kinds of complications like kidney stone, renal failure, liver cirrhosis and hepatitis. There are many effective natural remedies to eliminate harmful toxins from the liver and kidney. 



  • APPLE CIDER VINEGAR: Drink half a cup of water with 4 to 6 tbsp of apple cider vinegar daily before eating your meals. Apple cider vinegar helps prevent kidney stone.
  • GINGER: This is a great herb which perfectly conducts kidney cleansing process.Add the grated ginger to the hot water. Allow them to steep together for about at least 4- 9 minutes. Add honey and lemon juice to it and stir it well. Have 2 cups of this tea daily. Repeat the same for about few weeks.
  • CRANBERRY JUICE: Drink 1 – 2 cups of cranberry juice (not from concentrate) everyday. It will help to flush out bacteria and toxins from the kidney.
  • EXERCISE: Exercise at least 30 minutes daily to strengthen your cardiovascular system. This will help improve blood flow and oxygen to your kidney while helping them process out toxins fast.
  • BEET JUICE: Beets and beet juice contains betaine, which has antioxidant qualities and increases the acidity of urine. Removal of calcium in the kidneys not only promotes kidney function, but decreases the likelihood of kidney stone.
  • LEMON JUICE: Lemon juice natural acidic increase citrate levels in the urine, a factor that discourages kidney stones from forming. For a quick lemon kidney cleanse squeeze 4-5 lemons into a quart of cold water and drink it.
  • WATERMELON JUICE: It is an amazing source of potassium and it is also rich with water. Watermelon helps flush out the toxins from your body.Blend the watermelon slices and peeled lime together. Add honey to it and stir them well. Drink this delicious juice to clean your kidneys.


  • BEETS AND CARROTS: Carrots are rich in glutathione, a protein that helps detoxify the liver. Eating beets and carrots can help stimulate and improve overall liver function.
  • WALNUTS: Walnuts are a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, and the amino acid arginine, which supports normal liver cleansing.
  • TOMATOES: Tomatoes also contain glutathione, which is a great detoxifier for the liver.
  • CITRUS FRUITS: Lemons and limes contain very high amounts of vitamin C, which helps stimulate the liver.
  • TURMERIC: Turmeric helps boost liver detox. It assists an enzyme that actively flushes out dietary carcinogens.
  • SPINACH: Raw spinach is a major source of glutathione, triggering the toxin cleansing enzymes of the liver.
  • LEMON JUICE: Drink lemon juice in water or tea once a day. It stimulates the liver’s bile production and pushes toxins out. It also prevents gall stones and promotes liver function.
  • GARLIC INTAKE: Garlic contains allicin and selenium, two nutrients that protect the liver from damages caused by toxins. These two nutrients help in the detoxification process.

berry-chard-smoothieOther simple tips which can cleanse your kidney and liver:

  • Detoxify your liver and kidney, and flush toxins out by drinking at least 2 quarts of water everyday.
  • Try to avoid smoking and high consumption of alcohol as it is very harmful for your kidneys.
  • Control your cholesterol levels and try to remain fit (reduce weight.
  • Put your sugar levels and blood pressure levels in check.
  • Drink natural fruit smoothies like blackberries, blueberries, and raspberries which enhance the health of liver.
  • Avoid fast foods that include fried foods, preserved meat etc.
  • Avoid artificial sweeteners, colorings and preservatives. Natural route cleanses your liver.
  • Grape fruit is rich in vitamin C and antioxidants which help promote a healthy liver cleanse.

7 Home Remedies to treat Typhoid Fever Quickly

June 13, 2016 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda, Types of Fever

 Typhoid fever is also known as enteric fever. Typhoid is a bacterial infection due to Salmonella typhi. The bacteria are deposited in the water or food by a human carrier and are then spread to other people in the area Typhoid is mostly caused when one consumes contaminated water or food during the monsoon season. Once the bacteria enters the body through contaminated food, drinks or water they multiply and spread from the intestines into the bloodstream.. The bacteria travels into your intestine and then into your blood. In the blood they travel to your lymph nodes, gallbladder, liver, spleen and other parts of the body.


  • Sustained fever as high as 103 to 104 degree Fahrenheit.
  • Stomach pain
  • Headache
  • Chills
  • Nose bleed
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite
  • Rose colored spots on the chest
  • Mood swings
  • Slow, sluggish, weak feeling


Treating-Typhoid   Typhoid can be life threatening if not cured timely. The course of antibiotics is very important to be completed by the patient. Apart from this some natural remedies for typhoid can also be helpful and necessary.

INCREASE FLUID INTAKE :Due to diarrhea and high fever, you may become dehydrated. Increasing your fluid intake may be an easy way to prevent this. In addition, it will encourage elimination of waste material and toxins as well as keep your body hydrated. What you need to do:

GARLIC : Peel raw garlic and suck. Eat something beforehand even a raw carrot or apple. If you don’t lacerate the garlic clove it won’t sting your mouth. Just suck it like a lolly for 20 minutes or so. Garlic is a natural antibiotic and it will suck up mucous and kill bacteria.

CLOVES: Cloves have antibacterial properties which can kill the bacteria that cause typhoid. Cloves also help ease diarrhea and vomiting, the two normal side effects of typhoid. Boil 4-5 cloves to clean water. Boil it until it reduces half, allow it to cool and then filter it. Continue the same for a week and you can see considerable change.

HONEY: Just add 1 tbsp of honey in a glass of lukewarm water. Drink it as many times a day, to energize your body. Honey also soothes the digestive system apart from supplying energy to the body.

LEMONS: Being a natural disinfectant, lemon helps alkalize your gastrointestinal tract. Squeeze an entire lemon and drink the juice either with hot or cold water and honey to taste. Add slices of lemon to your water for 1 week after typhoid diagnosis. Also do drink the same for a week, even after recovery.

APPLES AND CARROTS: Snack on apples and carrots for good digestion bug cleaning but you may want to dip them in a bowl of water treated with a dash of apple cider vinegar first so ensure all bacteria is gone.

BASIL LEAVES AND BLACK PEPPER: Grind 4 basil leaves, 7 black pepper tablets and 7 strands of saffron into a paste. Prepare small tablets from the paste, and take these 2-3 times during the day.


  • Maintain sanitation good hygiene in order to prevent typhoid.
  • Drink plenty of fluids as this helps dehydration which occurs due to high fever and diarrhea.
  • While traveling drink only boiled or bottled water and eat well- cooked food.
  • Careful food preparation and washing of hands are crucial to prevent typhoid.
  • Keep your personal items such as vessels and towels separate.



Natural Tips to prevent and treat Malaria Fever at home

 malariaMalaria is also called as plasmodium infection. Malaria is a disease caused by a plasmodium parasite, transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes. Malaria is a mosquito- borne infectious disease. Malaria is a life- threatening disease caused by parasites that are transmitted through the bites of infected female anopheles mosquito. The mosquito bite introduces the parasites from the mosquito saliva into a person’s blood. The parasite then travels to the liver where they mature and reproduce. After several days the mature parasites enter the bloodstream and begin to infect red blood cells. Within 48-72 hours the parasite inside the red blood cells multiplies, causing the infected cells to burst open.


  • Fever
  • Chills
  • Profuse sweating
  • Headache
  • Vomiting
  • Deep breathing and respiratory distress.
  • Nausea
  • Bloody stools
  • Muscle pain
  • Anemia


Unhealthy lifestyles and wrong eating habits are the real major triggers for irritating the formation of malaria. The daily intake of flesh, canned food and alcoholic beverages are also the main cause for the development of malaria. Natural ways to treat malaria at home.

CINNAMON: Cinnamon is effective and precious home remedy for treating malaria. Add 1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon, a teaspoon of honey, a pinch of pepper powder and boil the mixture in a glass of water. You should take this home remedy everyday for benefiting from the powerful healing effect for malaria that these natural ingredients bring about.

LIME AND LEMON: Lemon and lime play an important role in reducing the quartan type of a fever due to malaria. About three grams of lime should be dissolved in about 60 ml of water and the juice of one lemon added it .You should consume this solution before the onset of fever.

DATURA: Datura is an Indian herb which is advantageous in treating malaria. The leaves of the datura plant are useful in the tertian type of malaria fever. About two and a half freshly sprouted leaves of this plant should be made into a pill by reducing them with jaggery. This ought to be taken two prior hours the onset of the paroxysm everyday.


  • Malaria can be prevented by protection against mosquito bites, cleanliness of surrounding areas and ensuring no pool of stagnated water is lying around.
  • Use mosquito anti- agents or mosquito curls while resting. You can also utilize mosquito nets to abstain from being chomped by a mosquito.
  • Two forms of vector control- insecticide- treated mosquito nets and indoor residual spraying- are effective in a wide range of circumstances.
  • Wear protective clothing.
  • Stay indoors when it is dark outside, preferably in a screened or air-conditioned room.

Prevention is constantly superior to cure. Unhygienic surroundings and unhealthy sustaining propensities go about as trigger variables for diseases. Fight against this dreaded diseases by being healthy and hygienic.

How to Overcome Heat Stroke and Heat Exhaustion

April 21, 2016 by  
Filed under General Advice

1403882780heat strokeHeatstroke and Heat exhaustion are two potentially serious conditions that can occur if you get too hot.

They usually happen during a heat wave or in a hot climate, but can also occur when you’re doing very strenuous physical exercise.


Heat stroke is a condition marked by fever and often by unconsciousness, caused by failure of the body’s temperature-regulating mechanism when exposed to excessively high temperatures. Heat stroke is also known as sun stroke. Heat stroke is a severe heat illness, defined as hyperthermia with a body temperature greater than 40.6 Celsius (105.1 Fahrenheit) because of environmental heat exposure with lack of thermoregulation. Heat stroke is distinct from a fever, where there is a physiological increase in the temperature set point of the body. The term ‘stroke’ in “heat stroke” is a misnomer in that it does not involve a blockage or hemorrhage of blood flow to the brain.


  • High body temperature: A body temperature of 104 Fahrenheit (40 Celsius) or higher is the man warning sign of a heat stroke.
  • Altered mental state or behavior: Changes in brain function, such as confusion, memory loss, defects in judgment or thought, unusual or strange behavior.
  • Alteration in sweating: In heat stroke brought on by hot weather, your skin will feel hot and dry to touch.
  • Nausea and vomiting: In heat stroke you may feel sick to your stomach.
  • Flushed skin: In heat stroke your skin may turn red as your body temperature increase.
  • Rapid breathing: Your breathing may become rapid and shallow.
  • Racing heart rate: Your pulse may significantly increase because heat stress places a tremendous burden on your heart to keep cool your body.
  • Headache: Symptom of pain anywhere in the region of head or neck.


  • Do not exert yourself outdoors.
  • Drink a glass of water every hour.
  • Wear loose, light coloured clothes in light fabrics like cotton.
  • Cover your head and face. Stay in the shade when outside.
  • Open the windows of your home if it becomes too hot indoors. Use hand fans.
  • Avoid caffeine and alcohol which accelerate dehydration.


  Heat exhaustion is a severe form of heat illness. Heat exhaustion is caused by the loss of water and electrolytes through sweating. Heat exhaustion is a warning that the body is getting too hot. The person may be thirsty, giddy, weak, uncoordinated, nauseous and sweating profusely. The body temperature is usually normal and the pulse is normal or raised. The skin is cold and clammy. Although heat exhaustion often is caused by the body’s loss of water and salt.


  • Confusion: – It is referred to as disorientation which means having hard time focusing or making decision.
  • Dark colored urine:-Urine that’s a deeper color rather than the usual straw to yellow color.
  • Dizziness:-A feeling that you are about to faint or pass out. If lightheadedness gets worse, it can lead to a feeling of almost fainting or a fainting spell.
  • Fainting: – Brief loss of consciousness due to a drop in blood flow to the brain. Medical name foe fainting is “syncope”.
  • Fatigue: – Fatigue can be expressed as lack of energy and motivation. Extreme tiredness resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness.
  • Headache: – Symptom of pain anywhere in the region of head or neck.
  • Muscle or abdominal cramps:-Abdominal muscle cramp also known as abdominal rigidity is a powerful, involuntary contraction of the muscles of the abdomen. This is a common injury among athletes.
  • Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea: – Nausea, vomiting and diarrhea are caused by viruses. These illnesses are usually self limiting, which means symptoms will resolve on their own in a few days.
  • Heavy sweating: – Heavy sweating is caused due to excessive heat and various physical factors.
  • Rapid heartbeat: – Excessive heat causes exhaustion which in turn makes your heart beat faster.


  • If a person is showing signs of heat exhaustion, it’s essential to get him or her out of the heat and into some shade.
  • Drinking plenty of fluid ( water, fruit juice or a rehydration drink, such as a sports drink but avoid caffeine and alcohol).
  • Remove any tight or unnecessary clothing.
  • Take a cool shower, bath or sponge bath.
  • get them to lie down in a cool place
  • Apply other cooling measures such as fans or ice towels.
  • If such measures fail to provide relief within 15 minutes, seek emergency medical help, because untreated heat exhaustion can progress towards a heat stroke.


Vitamin D Deficiency may lead to severe Health Problems

February 26, 2016 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda

vitamin-d-deficiencyVitamin D is an essential vitamin required by the body for the absorption of calcium, bone development, immune functioning, and alleviation of inflammation and when you are lacking in them, there may be health consequences and diseases. This means you must provide them through your diet or by taking a supplement.

Vitamin D has been referred to as the “sunlight vitamin” because it is made in our skin when we are exposed to sunlight.

People who are having higher risk of Vitamin D deficiency :

  • Pregnant and breastfeeding women, especially teenagers and young women.
  • Infants and children under 5 years of age.
  • 65 year olds and over.
  • People who have little or no exposure to the sun.
  • People with darker skin They are not able to make as much vitamin D as those with pale skin

Signs and Symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency

The only way to know if you’re vitamin D deficient is via blood testing. However, there are some signs and symptoms to be aware of as well

  • Tiredness or Fatigue
  • Muscle/joint pain and weakness
  • Muscle cramps
  • Bone pain
  • Weight gain
  • High blood pressure
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Bladder problems
  • Excessive Sweating
  • Hair loss

Diseases associated with Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to play a role in almost every major disease. This includes:

  • Increased Cancer risks
  • Heart Disease.
  • High blood pressure
  • Obesity
  • Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes
  • Autoimmune diseases
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Rickets
  • Infertility and PMS
  • Depression
  • Chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Chronic Pain
  • Infections
  • Osteoporosis and Osteopenia

Foods that Contain Vitamin D.

Standard treatment for a vitamin D deficiency is supplementation. A few foods naturally contain vitamin D, and other foods are fortified with it. Natural foods high in vitamin D include

  • vvitamin D foodscod liver oil
  • Oily Fish (salmon, sardines, mackerel,tuna)
  • Mushroons
  • Egg yolks,
  • Milk ,Yogurt and Cheese
  • Orange Juice
  • Healthy Cereals
  • Pork

Why am I experiencing Nerve Pulling in the Legs?

October 24, 2015 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda

nerve-pulling-in-legsNerve pulling in the legs is a common experience among the age group of 50 years and above, the pain is intense during nights. At times individuals between 40 and 50 years also experience this severe nerve pain mainly due to their lifestyle and hereditary health issues like diabetes and obesity.

At the outset, let us understand the term nerve and its influence on human body.  A nerve carries information regarding sensations and also commands for functions. The brain and spinal cord communicates with what is happening in the internal organs and limits by nerve fibers which are like electrical wires with insulation (myelin) and the “copper” (axon). Within brain and spinal cord these nerves connect to other nerves via synapses on both axons and dendrites.

Causes of nerve pulling in legs

Nerve pulling can also be a result of vitamin deficiencies, especially deficiency of Vitamin B and C. The cause can be anaemia i.e low haemoglobin levels. Few individuals who are facing medical problems like blood sugar can also cause nerve pulling in the legs or experience tingling of the nerves. The main is so intense that you will not be able to have a good nights sleep. You will be tossing and turning in bed and remain the entire night.

Few observations are like muscle cramps in the calf muscles, which in turn could be a result of salt or calcium imbalance in the body.

Also read: Home remedies to prevent varicose veins from occurring

Recommendations to minimize nerve pulling in legs

  As the famous saying goes,”Prevention is better than cure”. Following modifications are suggested in the food intake to minimize and gradually nullify nerve pulling in your legs.

-Include more of vegetables and fruits, especially leafy vegetables

– Increase the proportion of iron-rich foods like palak (spinach), red kidney beans, chick peas, sprouts, dates, raisins, dairy products, etc.

– Include adequate amounts of vitamin C-rich foods like citrus fruits (orange, sweet lime, lemon, etc.), gooseberry and guava.

– Avoid very oily or fatty foods and fast foods and mainly

– Drink atleast 8-10 glasses of water a day

It is advised to consult a doctor if pain persists. The Medical Practitioner may advise you to take a multivitamin supplement such as  Zincovit, once a day.  Also, having a brisk walk for at least 20 minutes every day will improve the blood supply to the leg muscles and prevent any cramping or pulling sensations.

Health check ups suggested

Doctor may suggest and refer for few blood tests  like haemoglobin levels, blood sugar and thyroid function tests, to check for any possible medical problems which may be causing you these symptoms.

We would also suggest you to do proper warm up exercises prior to going in for long walks or gym exercises  as such symptoms are observed for people and they can avoid nerve pulling in legs

Also read: Which is the best time of the day to walk? Is it Morning or Evening

Major pain observed in the legs are a result of the sciatic nerve which runs down the spine and branches off, like a zipper, down the legs. A common cause of pain is bulging or herniated disc in the spine, which applies pressure to the nerve. The pain of pressure on the sciatic can feel like sharp shocks running down your leg (generally just one at a time) or nagging lower back pain. Sometimes people experience numbness or tingling in the leg, too.

Here are two exercises that can relieve you from this pain. They are : Figure 4 exercise and The pigeon exercise. Do it and see the difference for yourself.

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Natural Remedies for Excessive Sweating

September 1, 2015 by  
Filed under Tips for Ayurveda

Natural Remedies for Excessive sweating
Perspiration or sweating is a natural process in which our body releases toxins through the tiny pores present over the surface of the skin. But, if you sweat more than the normal limits, it can be a sign of some health disorder.  Excessive sweating not only passes a bad message about your personality, but also cause anxiety and embarrassment.  Excessive sweating is a result of hormonal disturbances, poor diet, nervous disorders and poor circulation of blood.  If you are tired of facing embarrassments caused due to excessive sweating, here we have solved your purpose. Below, we have provided you several effective natural remedies that can help you cope up with excessive sweating.

  1. Apple Cider Vinegar:- Apple Cider Vinegar is one such effective natural remedy, which can control the problem of excessive sweating to a large extent. Drinking natural vinegar mixed with apple cider vinegar, empty stomach can help you get rid of the problem completely.  You may also apply apple cider vinegar to armpits, palms, feet and all those areas where you sweat more, while sleeping and wash it off in the morning. It will help you get rid of bad odour and sweating.
  2. Baking Soda:-Sweat contains certain acids, which makes bacteria’s thrive on it and cause bad odour. Using baking soda on the areas where you sweat more can lower the PH levels by neutralizing the acids present in the sweat.
  3. Tomato Juice:- Tomatoes are rich in anti-oxidants and are known to impart cooling effect on the body.  To avoid Tomato juiceexcessive sweating, you may take 2 tomatoes daily after cooling them in refrigerator. You may also drink fresh juice extracted out of tomatoes to treat sweating problem.
  4. Lemon and baking soda:- You could make this mixture at your home easily. You require several drops of fresh lemon juice and equal quantity of baking soda. Mix them well to make a fine paste. Using cotton balls, you can apply it on the areas which are more prone to sweating. Using it regularly will provide you relief from the sweating.
  5. Herbal tea:-Herbal tea contains tannic acid in it. It has anti-perspirant and astringent properties. Holding herbal tea bags under your armpits can soothe sweat glands and reduce perspiration rate.
  6. Homemade deodorant:- We all know that deodorant, which we get from the market are fully loaded with chemicals that can have harsh effects on your skin.  Therefore, it is always advisable to prepare your own deodorant using the ingredients right from your kitchen. You just need to mix one teaspoon of baking soda with a pinch of essential oil.  While baking soda neutralizes the acidic properties of sweat, essential oil keeps you refreshing all the day long.  Applying this homemade deodorant regularly can surely benefit you.
  7. Tea Tree Oil:- Tea tree oil has astringent properties. Therefore, massaging drops of tea tree oil can soothe your sweat glands and retard the perspiration process.  If you find tea tree oil too thick, you can dilute it by adding several drops of water into it.

Also read : Get rid of Prickly heat with Home Remedies
                    How to Overcome Common Summer Health Problems

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